Monday, September 27, 2010


Morning Readers!!!

Guess what!, the 365 movie review in a year will start in October 4th.
That means that in less than a week i´ll start posting the reviews about movies i´ve seen, i´ll put my personal opinion on them, if i liked it, if i hated it, if i recomend to you to watch it, and a general idea about the movie.

Im so exited, i hope you enojoy reading, because i´ll sure enjoy writting, even if no one reads, i´ll keep posting.
So, have a great week, i´ll be preparing a schedule for the movies, some week themes, etc.
So i can give you a great movie program, again thanks for reading who ever you are, im so glad to share this proyect with you.

Yellow Scarf Girl.

P.S. : In this week i´ll try to post some interesting things before we get started, if you follow the blog´s  sites (facebook, twitter, google, etc) you´ll probably receive some extra info and aditional material (just maybe, (kidding))

Love ya ´all.